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The 6 Best Ways to Increase Your Home’s Sales Price

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How to get better offers for your home and sell it quickly

Real estate experts will tell you that late spring through the end of summer is the best time to sell your home. People are eager to buy their new home, complete the moving process, and get settled all before the school year begins. If you are putting your home on the market this year, you may be eager to get the best possible price while closing the sale quickly. From kitchen upgrades to bathroom remodels, here are a few of the best ways to increase your home’s sales price and increase your chances of a quick and easy sale!

Spruce Up and De-Personalize the Space

One sure fire way to turn potential buyers away is to show a cluttered, dirty home either in pictures of the property to be posted online, or in live showings. It is important that you de-clutter and de-personalize the home as much as possible. Potential buyers need to be able to imagine their future life in your house. Pictures of your family and other personal items pose a large obstacle to that vision. Additionally, buyers right now are looking for more space, de-cluttering rooms will make them feel lighter and more open.

Increase Your Curb Appeal

You wouldn’t go to a first date without looking your best, and the same is true of your home when trying to sell it. At the very least, you should mow the grass and trim any over-grown bushes or trees, and perhaps add some fresh plants and mulch to flower beds. Power washing the exterior is an inexpensive way to instantly make your home look cleaner and brighter.

Updates for the Kitchen

A common rule of thumb in the real estate industry is that investments in the kitchen, more than any other room in the house, will have the largest impact on your ultimate sales price. And, you don’t even need to spend a fortune to improve the value. For as little as a few hundred dollars, you can afford to paint the walls, replace the kitchen faucet, add new hardware to cabinets and drawers, and update old, lackluster light fixtures. The kitchen is the heart of the home, so it is important that prospective buyers feel comfortable there.

Updates for the Bathroom

Second to the kitchen, the bathroom is one of the best ways to get a good return on your investment. Even simple repairs, such as re-caulking the bathtub or re-grouting the floor tiles can go a long way to making bathrooms more attractive. If the home has issues with hard water, it is probably worth replacing the toilet, faucet, and bathtub or shower fixtures, as this tends to cause metal corrosion. Consider replacing hardware or converting the toilet to a low-flush toilet to increase water efficiency. These are cheap repairs that can go a long way with buyers.

Convert that Old Tub into a Walk In Shower

One surprising feature that more and more buyers are seeking during their home search is a walk-in shower. Today’s home buyers simply do not have much time to take a leisurely bath, so they are foregoing the relatively large square footage of a bath tub, for a more luxurious shower that they will use every day. Floor-to-ceiling steam showers are an especially attractive feature in a home.

Add An Extra Bathroom

One thing you should consider before you spend a lot of money on a bathroom makeover is that if you only have one bathroom, your money is likely better spent adding a second. This is especially true in older homes. While a lot of buyers love the charm and history associated with buying an older home, a good number of older houses were built back when an entire family shared one bathroom. If you are selling an older home with one bathroom, your money is definitely well spent by even adding a half bath.

For more information on high-return-on-investment improvements you can make to your home before selling, contact the design experts at today!